Saturday, September 14, 2013

ED 720

My Digital Learning Hub

I think creating a digital learning hub is important for teachers especially because we tend to be creatures who love to share and receive new ideas and thoughts about education. We like to take those ideas and thoughts and then modify them in a  way so that they work for us in our own classrooms. As teachers we still see ourselves as learners and having a digital learning hub is a great way to learn and communicate with other educators.

In one of my assignments on Professional Learning Networks I reflected upon how my online and offline identities would feed or support each other. In that reflection I touched upon what my  online identity might look like, using what I included on my Padlet page and my mind map. My Padlet page was designed for the purpose of having the teachers at my school be introduced to and have access to resources  links that support our Singapore Math Program called Math In Focus. My  mind map was more of a S.T.E.M based design. In combining what I included in both these designs I might use Google as that was recommended. My Learning hub would include information and links to the following:
Math in Focus Program
Connecticut Science Center
Singapore Math Strategies
Youtube Tutorials and model Lessons
Kahn Academy
My Blog Page
Engineering is Elementary (EIE) - Boston Science Museum
Common Core Standards
SBAC Practice Test
NHPS Math In Focus Facebook Page

I believe my next step would be to explore Google and figure out how to set this all up.