Friday, August 16, 2013

ED 714 Shooloo Tutorial using screencast

My tutorial is on math website that I came across during this summer's IT & Digital Media Program. The name of the site  is called Shooloo. It serves as a forum for math students and teachers to create and post word problems. I like that the sight lets students be creative in that they write their own problem and attach a picture along with it. What is really engaging for students is that it combines math and social media in that it has them follow other students and comment or rate (like) their word problem posts. Although there a variety of things to do within the site my tutorial focuses on how to create and post a word problem. I think you will agree that this could be a very valuable tool in the math classroom. Please view the tutorial below:


  1. What a great find and a very well done tutorial Elizabeth. I am going to forward this to a few Math teachers and principals I know, because it is a great, user friendly tool.

  2. Great job Beth! I too will share this with my school's math department.

  3. Thank you Beth. I enjoyed your tutorial and can not wait to use it with other teachers and students. I think the idea of awarding points to students will help with motivation and sustaining attention. I heard a great speaker at EdcampCT yesterday who referred to an increase in dopamine levels as students make predictions and are then rewarded.

    Nice job.
